D Creator: Nahuel Geronimo Olivera Bergallo
D & W (Dani and Woody) Creator: Grupokaps
D Bundle Creator: Dingding
D lecture notes Creator: Howard Hamburg
D'Servante Creator: Elías D'Sastre
D'Angelo's Touch Creator: Rafael D'Angelo
D'Angelo's Touch (Book and 15 Downloads) Creator: Rafael D'Angelo
D'Lite - The Ultimate D'Lite DVD Creator: Rocco Silano
D'Lite Purple Creator: Rocco Silano
D'Lite Red (Pair) Creator: Rocco
D-coin Creator: Deepak Mishra
D. DECK Creator: Dominique Duvivier
D. DECK (Gimmicks and Online Instructions) Creator: Dominique Duvivier
D.A.I. Wallet Set- Creator: Dickaro Tam
D.I.E. Creator: Sirus Magic
D.I.E. - Sirus Magic
D.I.Y. Floating Light Bulb Illusion Creator: Jonathan Royle
D.O.A. Creators: Morgan Strebler, SansMinds
D23 Creator: Rian Lehman
D4M Creator: Matthew Wright
Da Ortiz And Water Creator: Dani Da Ortiz
Da Vinci Vanish Creator: Medusa Magic
Daddy Ties Creator: Zihu
DADIDU Creator: Bobonaro
Daemons, Darklings and Doppelgangers Creator: Ed Meredith
Daemons, Darklings and Doppelgangers (Limited/Out of Print) Creators: Tony Shields, Tony Shiels
Daf Change Creator: Zack Lach
Dai Vernon A Biography Creator: David Ben
Dai Vernon Seminar Creator: Roberto Giobbi
Dai Vernon's Revelations Box Set Creator: Dai Vernon
Dai Vernon's Tribute to Nate Leipzig Creator: Dai Vernon
Dai Vernon's Tribute to Nate Leipzig - Book Creator: Dai Vernon
Dai Vernon's Tribute to Nate Leipzig - Book Creator: Dai Vernon
Dai Vernon: A Biography Creator: David Ben
Daily Done
Daisy Flower Creator: Black Magic
Dale Salwk Lecture Notes Creator: Dale Salwk
Dalmatian Creators: Hyde Ren, TCC Presents
Damage Creator: Dave Forrest
DAMN GOOD CARDS NO.1 Paying Cards Creators: Dan Buck, Dave Buck
DAMN GOOD CARDS NO.2 Paying Cards Creators: Dan Buck, Dave Buck
DAMN GOOD CARDS NO.3 Paying Cards Creators: Dan Buck, Dave Buck
DAMN GOOD CARDS NO.4 Paying Cards Creators: Dan Buck, Dave Buck
DAMN GOOD CARDS NO.5 Paying Cards Creators: Dan Buck, Dave Buck
DAMN GOOD CARDS NO.6 Paying Cards Creators: Dan Buck, Dave Buck
DAMN GOOD CARDS NO.7 Paying Cards Creators: Dan Buck, Dave Buck
Dan Harlan Masterclass Creator: Dan Harlan
Dan Harlan Premium Blend #1 video DOWNLOAD Creator: Dan Harlan
Dan Harlan Premium Blend #2 video DOWNLOAD Creator: Dan Harlan
Dan Harlan Premium Blend #3 video DOWNLOAD Creator: Dan Harlan
Dan Harlan Premium Blend #3 video DOWNLOAD Creator: Chris Hare
Dan Harlan Premium Blend #4 video DOWNLOAD Creator: Dan Harlan
Dan Harlan Premium Blend #5 video DOWNLOAD Creator: Dan Harlan
Dan Harlan Premium Blend #6 video DOWNLOAD Creator: Dan Harlan
Dan Harlan Premium Blend #6 video DOWNLOAD Creator: Dan Harlan
Dan Harlan: Director's Cut Creator: Dan Harlan
Dan Hauss Live Lecture Creator: Dan Hauss
Dan Hauss Live Lecture DVD Creator: Dan Hauss
Dan Tong Live Creator: Dan Tong
Dan Tong: FINALLY! - 50 Years Of Magic Volume 1 Creator: Kozmomagic
Dan Tong: FINALLY! - 50 Years Of Magic Volume 1 - DVD Creator: Dan Tong
Dan Tong: FINALLY! - 50 Years Of Magic Volume 2 Creator: Kozmomagic
Dan Tong: FINALLY! - 50 Years Of Magic Volume 2 - DVD Creator: Dan Tong
Dance Lessons Creator: Chris Wiehl
Dance Lessons Creator: Christopher Wiehl
Dance of Flowers Creator: Tora Magic
Dancers Thumbs Creator: Hugo Valenzuela
Dancing Cane 101 Creator: David Mann
Dancing Cane Aluminum Creator: Tango
Dancing Cane Lessons Creators: Tango, Tango Magic
Dancing Dream Dots Creator: Sandro Loporcaro
Dancing Magic Wand Creator: Tango
Dancing Neon Creator: Sorcier Magic
DANCING NEON (Lightweight WHITE) Creator: Sorcier Magic
Dancing Selfie Stick Creator: Doug Bennett
Dancing Vanishing Cane Creator: Magiclism
Dancing Vanishing Cane V2 Creator: Magiclism
Dancing Vanishing Cane V2 / BLACK (D.V.C.) Creator: Magiclism
Dancing Vanishing Cane V2 / WHITE (D.V.C.) Creator: Magiclism
Dancing Vanishing Cane V2 / WHITE (D.V.C.) Creator: Magiclism
Dancing With The Cards Creator: Michael Breggar
Danger Box Illusion Creator: CLIMAX
DANGER BOX ILLUSION (Full Set) Creator: Magie Climax
Dani & Woody Creators: Dani Da Ortiz, Woody Aragon
Dani da Ortiz MASTER CLASS Creator: Dani DaOrtiz
Dani da Ortiz MASTER CLASS Vol. 1 - DVD Creator: Dani Da Ortiz
Dani da Ortiz MASTER CLASS Vol. 3 - DVD Creator: Dani Da Ortiz
Dani da Ortiz MASTER CLASS Vol. 5 - DVD Creator: Dani Da Ortiz
Dani DaOrtiz 2 Live Lecture DVD Creator: Dani Da Ortiz
Dani DaOrtiz Fool Us Act Creator: Dani DaOrtiz
Dani DaOrtiz Live Lecture Creator: Dani Da Ortiz
Dani DaOrtiz Live Lecture 2 Creator: Dani Da Ortiz
Dani DaOrtiz Live Lecture DVD Creator: Dani Da Ortiz
Dani DaOrtiz Masterclass Creator: Dani DaOrtiz
Dani DaOrtiz Reloaded Creator: Dani Da Ortiz
Dani DaOrtiz: Connected Creator: Dani Da Ortiz
Dani's Collection of Weapons Creator: Dani DaOrtiz
Daniel Garcia Live Lecture Creator: Daniel Garcia
Daniel Garcia Live Lecture DVD Creator: Daniel Garcia
Daniel Garcia Masterclass Creator: Daniel Garcia
Daniel Garcia Project 1 - 3 Creator: Daniel Garcia
Daniel Garcia Project 4 - 6 Creator: Daniel Garcia
Daniel Ka's Linking Ropes Creator: Daniel Ka
Daniel Madison Masterclass Creator: Daniel Madison
Daniel Prado Masterclass Creator: Daniel Prado
Danny Archer Live Lecture Creator: Danny Archer
Danny Archer Live Lecture DVD Creator: Danny Archer
Danny Archer's Essential Magic Classics Creator: Danny Archer
Danny Orleans Family Show Creator: Danny Orleans
Dantes Peek Creator: Justin Miller
Dark Arts Press Ebook Bundle Creators: Jared Kopf, John Wilson
Dark Cloak Creator: Docc Hilford
Dark Connection Creator: Thomas Riboulet
Dark Deco Deck Creator: US Playing Card Company
Dark Deco Playing Cards Creator: RSVP Magic
Dark Hole Creator: Mayank Chaubey
Dark Side Creator: Le magie di Merlino
Darkslide (Gimmick and Online Instructions) Creator: Chris Ramsay
Darkwave and Lightwave ESP Set Creators: Adam Cooper, Big Blind Media
Darkwave ESP (Gimmicks and Online Instructions) Creator: Adam Cooper
Darkwave ESP Deck Creator: Adam Cooper
Darkwave ESP Kit by Adam Cooper Creator: Big Blind Media
Darryl Davis and Daryl Williams (The Other Brothers) Live Lecture Creator: Darryl Davis
Darryl Davis and Daryl Williams Live Lecture DVD Creator: Darryl Davis
Dart Flower #15 Prudential Creator: Prudential Exports
Dart Flower #7 Creator: Prudential Exports
Darwin Ortiz - Nothing But The Best V1 Creator: L&L Publishing
Darwin Ortiz - Nothing But The Best V1 Creator: L&L Publishing
Darwin Ortiz - Nothing But The Best V1 Creator: L&L Publishing
Darwin Ortiz - Nothing But The Best V2 Creator: L&L Publishing
Darwin Ortiz - Nothing But The Best V2 Creator: L&L Publishing
Darwin Ortiz - Nothing But The Best V2 Creator: L&L Publishing
Darwin Ortiz - Nothing But The Best V3 Creator: L&L Publishing
Darwin Ortiz - Nothing But The Best V3 Creator: L&L Publishing
Darwin Ortiz - Nothing But The Best V3 Creator: L&L Publishing
Darwin Ortiz 2nd Lecture Creator: Darwin Ortiz
Darwin Ortiz At the Card Table Creator: Darwin Ortiz
Darwin Ortiz Collection Creator: Darwin Ortiz
Darwin Ortiz Collection (10 DVD set) - DVD Creator: Darwin Ortiz
Darwin Ortiz Collection (10 Video set) video DOWNLOAD Creator: Darwin Ortiz
Darwin Ortiz Live Lecture Creator: Darwin Ortiz
Darwin Ortiz Live Lecture DVD Creator: Darwin Ortiz
Darwin Ortiz Nothing But the Best Set (Vol 1 thru 3) video DOWNLOAD Creator: Darwin Ortiz
Darwin Ortiz Nothing But the Best Set (Vol 1 thru 3) video DOWNLOAD Creator: Darwin Ortiz
Darwin Ortiz On Card Cheating Creator: Darwin Ortiz
Darwin Ortiz on the Memorized Deck Creator: Darwin Ortiz
Darwin's Coin Bucket Creator: Jim Spence
Daryl Card Revelations Creator: Daryl Easton
Daryl Card Revelations (Vol 1 thru 5) Creator: L&L Publishing
Daryl Card Revelations (Vol 1 thru 5) Creator: L&L Publishing
Daryl Card Revelations - Volume 1 Creator: Daryl Easton
Daryl Card Revelations - Volume 2 Creator: Daryl Easton
Daryl Card Revelations - Volume 3 Creator: Daryl Easton
Daryl Card Revelations - Volume 4 Creator: Daryl Easton
Daryl Card Revelations - Volume 5 Creator: Daryl Easton
Daryl Card Revelations Volume 1 video DOWNLOAD Creator: Daryl
Daryl Card Revelations Volume 2 video DOWNLOAD Creator: Daryl
Daryl Card Revelations Volume 3 video DOWNLOAD Creator: Daryl
Daryl Card Revelations Volume 5 Creator: Daryl
Daryl Card Revelations- #1, DVD Creator: L&L Publishing
Daryl Card Revelations- #2, DVD Creator: L&L Publishing
Daryl Card Revelations- #3, DVD Creator: L&L Publishing
Daryl Card Revelations- #4 video DOWNLOAD Creator: Daryl
Daryl Card Revelations- #4 video DOWNLOAD Creator: Daryl
Daryl Does Den Haag Creator: Daryl Easton
Daryl Does the Full Monty - DVD Creator: Daryl
Daryl's Ambitious Card - DVD Creator: Daryl
Daryl's Card Revelations Vol 1 - DVD Creator: Daryl
Daryl's Card Revelations Vol 2 - DVD Creator: Daryl
Daryl's Card Revelations Vol 3 - DVD Creator: Daryl
Daryl's Card Revelations Vol 4 - DVD Creator: Daryl
Daryl's Card Revelations Vol 5 - DVD Creator: Daryl
Daryl's Rope Routine Creator: Daryl Easton
Daryl's Rope Routine (excerpt from Expert Rope Magic Made Easy Vol 3) Creator: Daryl
Daryl's Rope Routine (excerpt from Expert Rope Magic Made Easy Vol 3) video DOWNLOAD Creator: Daryl
Dash Creator: Taufik HD
DAT Challenge Duplication Creator: Jakob Smith
Daub Creator: David Malek
Dave 2 Creator: David Williamson
Dave 2 David Williamson, DVD Creator: David Williamson
Dave Deck Creator: Greg Chipman
Dave Forrest's REM - DVD Creator: David Forrest
Dave Forrest's WHODUNIT? (Gimmicks and Online Instructions) - Trick Creator: David Forrest
Dave Loosley Live Lecture Creator: Dave Loosley
Dave Loosley Live Lecture DVD Creator: Dave Loosley
Dave's Magical Mysteries Revealed Creator: David Williamson
David Copperfield - A Magic Life Creator: Benoit Grenier
David Copperfield's History of Magic Creator: David Britland
David Copperfield's History of Magic Creators: David Britland, David Copperfield, Richard Wiseman
David Copperfield's History of Magic Creator: David Copperfield
David Copperfields History of Magic Creator: David Copperfield
David Garrard and Jim Steinmeyer Present: Alan Wakeling's Name Matrix Creator: David Garrard
David Garrard's LINEUP Creator: SPS Publications
David Neighbors Project - Volume 1 Creators: David Neighbors, Mark Tams
David Parr Ebook Bundle Creator: David Parr
David Penn Lecture Creator: David Penn
David Penn's Beer Bottle Production Creator: David Penn
David Penn's Beer Bottle Production (Gimmicks and Online Instructions) Creator: David Penn
David Penn's Beer Bottle Production (Gimmicks and Online Instructions) - Trick Creator: David Penn
David Penn's Wine Bottle Production Creator: David Penn
David Penn's Wine Bottle Production (Gimmicks and Online Instructions) - Trick Creator: David Penn
David Regal In The UK Creator: David Regal
David Regal Masterclass Creator: David Regal
David Regal Set (Vol. 1 thru 3) video DOWNLOAD Creator: David Regal
David Regal- #1 video DOWNLOAD Creator: David Regal
David Regal- #1 video DOWNLOAD Creator: David Regal
David Regal- #2 video DOWNLOAD Creator: David Regal
David Regal- #2 video DOWNLOAD Creator: David Regal
David Regal- #3 video DOWNLOAD Creator: David Regal
David Roth Expert Coin Magic Made Easy (3 Vol. set) - DVD Creator: David Roth
David Roth Expert Coin Magic Made Easy (3 Vol. set) video DOWNLOAD Creator: David Roth
David Roth Expert Coin Magic Made Easy Complete Set Creator: Murphy's Magic
David Roth Ultimate Coin Magic Collection Vol 1 video DOWNLOAD Creator: David Roth
David Roth Ultimate Coin Magic Collection Vol 2 video DOWNLOAD Creator: David Roth
David Roth Ultimate Coin Magic Collection Vol 3 Creator: David Roth
David Roth Ultimate Coin Magic Collection Vol 4 Creator: David Roth
David Roth's Expert Coin Magic Creator: Richard Kaufman
David Roth's Expert Coin Magic Made Easy Vol 1 (Basic) - DVD Creator: David Roth
David Roth's Expert Coin Magic Made Easy Vol 2 (Intermediate to Advanc Creator: David Roth
David Roth's Expert Coin Magic Made Easy Vol 2 (Intermediate to Advanced) - DVD Creator: David Roth
David Roth's Expert Coin Magic Made Easy Vol 3 (Intermediate to Advanc Creator: David Roth
David Roth's Expert Coin Magic Made Easy Vol 3 (Intermediate to Advanced) - DVD Creator: David Roth
David Stone Live at FFFF Creator: David Stone
David Stone's Words Creator: So Magic
David Vs. Goliath Creator: Anthony Chanut
David Williamson Full Lecture Creator: International Magic
David Williamson Full Lecture Creator: David Williamson
David Williamson Live Creator: David Williamson
David Williamson Masterclass Creator: David Williamson
David Williamson Mega Bundle Creator: David Williamson
David Williamson Raccoon Lecture Creator: International Magic
David Williamson Raccoon Lecture Creator: David Williamson
David's Cull Creator: David Gonzalez
David's Cull Download Creator: David Gonzalez
David's ESP Trick 2.0 Creator: Jorge Mena
Daylight By Alfred Dockstader video DOWNLOAD Creator: Alfred Dockstader
Days of Wine and Magic Creator: John Derris
Dazzle Creator: Alex Elmsley
Dazzler (Gimmick only) Creators: Fabien Mirault, Jordan Gomez
Dazzler (Gimmick only) Creators: Fabien Mirault, Jordan Gomez
De'Vo's Secret Books Volume 2 Creator: De'Vo
DE(A)L-IRIUM Creator: Harvey Raft
Dead Hand Playing Cards Creator: Xavior Spade
Dead Lock Creator: Michael Stern
Dead Lock (Michael Murray) Creator: Michael Murray
Dead Man's Deck Creator: Vanishing Inc.
Dead or Alive Creator: Sandro Loporcaro
DEAD RINGER Creator: Jeff Stone
Dead Sea Creator: Bacon Magic
Dead Sea Creators: Bacon Magic, Longlong
DeadLift Creator: Ali Foroutan
DeadLift By Ali Foroutan video DOWNLOAD Creator: Ali Foroutan
Deadlock Creator: Camirand Academy of Magic
DEADLY MARKED DECK Creator: Daniel Meadows
Deadly Marked Deck Creators: Daniel Meadows, MagicWorld.co.uk
DEADLY MARKED DECK BLUE BEE (Gimmicks and Online Instructions) Creator: MagicWorld
DEADLY MARKED DECK BLUE BICYCLE (Gimmicks and Online Instructions) Creator: MagicWorld
DEADLY MARKED DECK RED BEE (Gimmicks and Online Instructions) Creator: MagicWorld
DEADLY MARKED DECK RED BICYCLE (Gimmicks and Online Instructions) Creator: MagicWorld
Deadly Mentalism Creator: Ben Rayot
DEADMAN'S HAND SPECIAL EDITION (gimmicks and Online Instructions) Creator: Matthew Wright
DEAL OR NOT DEAL Blue Creator: Mickael Chatelain
DEAL OR NOT DEAL Blue (Gimmick and Online Instructions) Creator: Mickael Chatelain
DEAL OR NOT DEAL Red Creator: Mickael Chatelain
DEAL OR NOT DEAL Red (Gimmick and Online Instructions) Creator: Mickael Chatelain
Deal Or Steal Creator: Carl Crichton-Prince
Deal or Steal (Universal) Creator: Carl Crichton-Prince
Deal Sandwich Creator: Alessandro Criscione
Deal Sealer Creator: Cody Fisher
Deal with the Devil (Cobalt Blue) UV Playing Cards Creator: Darkside Playing
Deal with the Devil (Scarlet Red) UV Playing Cards Creator: Darkside Playing
Dealer's Choice L&L Nick Trost trick Creator: L&L Publishing
Dealing With It Season 1 Creator: John Bannon
Dealing With It Season 1 Creator: John Bannon
Dealing With It Season 1 (DVD) Creator: John Bannon
Dealing With It Season 2 Creator: John Bannon
Dealing With It Season 2 Creator: Big Blind Media
Dealing With It Season 3 Creator: John Bannon
Dean's Beads Creator: Dean Dill
Dean's Box 2.0 (Box, Props and DVD) Creator: Dean Dill
Dean's Coin Wallet Creators: Alan Wong, Dean Dill
Dean's Coin Wallet Creators: Alan Wong, Dean Dill
Dear Mr Fantasy Creator: John Bannon
Debajo (Gimmick and Online Instructions) Creator: Juan Luis Rubiales
Debut (Gimmicks and Online Instructions) Creator: Abstract Effects
Decade Creator: Mark Mason
Decanter of Death Creator: Mark Strivings
Deceased Creator: Jamie Daws
Deceased The Return Creator: Jamie Daws
Deceased The Return By Jamie Daws Creator: Jamie Daws
DECEIT Creator: Sid T
Deceive (Gimmick Material Included) Creators: SansMinds Creative Lab, SansMinds Creative Labs
Deceiver's Discourse Creator: Ken de Courcy
Deception Creator: ilya Melyukhin
Deception Creator: Scott Paton
Deception Creator: Vinny Sagoo
DECEPTION Creator: Abdullah Mahmoud
Deception (Gimmicks and Online Instructions) Creator: Vinny Sagoo
Deception - Volume 1 Creator: Dave Forrest
Deceptions That Dare to Dazzle
Deceptions That Dare to Dazzle & Delight Creator: Shawn Evans
Deceptive Decisions Creator: Jheff
Deceptus Creator: Jimmy Strange
Decibel Creators: Adam Wilber, Ellusionist
Decide Creator: Chris Webb
Decide BLUE Creator: Chris Webb
DECIPHER Creator: Manoj Kaushal
DECIPHER BLACK Creator: Manoj Kaushal
DECIPHER BLACK (Gimmick and Online Instructions) Creator: Manoj Kaushal
DECIPHER MANILA Creator: Manoj Kaushal
DECIPHER MANILA (Gimmick and Online Instructions) Creator: Manoj Kaushal
DECIPHER RED Creator: Manoj Kaushal
DECIPHER RED (Gimmick and Online Instructions) Creator: Manoj Kaushal
Decision Point Creator: David Regal
Decisions Creator: Mozique
Decisions Blank Edition (DVD and Gimmick) Creator: Mozique
Decisions Yes/No Edition (DVD and Gimmick) Creator: Mozique
Deck Dropper Creator: Trevor Duffy
Deck Ja Vu Creator: John Carey
Deck of Life Creator: Phill Smith
Deck ONE Industrial Edition Playing Cards Creator: Homer Liwag
Deck ONE Industrial Edition Playing Cards Creator: theory11
Deck Shell 2.0 Set Creators: Chazpro, Santa Magic
Deck Shell 2.0 Set (Blue Bicycle) Creator: Chazpro Magic
Deck Shell 2.0 Set (Red Bicycle) Creator: Chazpro Magic
Deck Shooter Creator: Hanson Chien
Deck Shooter (Blue) Creator: Hanson Chien
Deck Shooter (Red) Creator: Hanson Chien
Deck Stab Creator: Adrian Vega
DECK STAB 3 BLUE Creator: Adrian Vega
DECK STAB 3 RED Creator: Adrian Vega
Deck Stab 3.0 Creator: Adrian Vega
Deck Switch Creators: Astor, Astor Magic
Deck Switcher trick Fantasio Creator: Fantasio
Deck Through Box Creator: Kenneth Costa
Deck To Anything (DVD and Gimmick) Creators: SansMinds Creative Lab, SansMinds Creative Labs
Deckamorphosis Creator: Joker Magic
DECKAPITATION Creator: Matt Pilcher
Decked Out Creator: John Bannon
Decked-Out Creator: Mark Mason
DeckINK Creator: Viper Magic
Deckless ACAAN Creator: Unknown Mentalist
Deckoin Creator: Robby Constantine
Decks and Deceptions Creator: Brent Braun
Decksterity Creator: Harvey Raft
Deckstress Creator: Tim Ellis
Decktamental trick Creator: Meir Yedid
Declassified Creator: Chris Rawlins
Declassified Volume 2 Creator: Penguin Magic
Decode Creator: Rizki Nanda
Decoded Creator: Morgan & West
Decompression Creator: Daniel Chard
Decon Creator: Danny Weiser
Deconstructing a Purse Creator: Ferran Rizo
Dedsec Creator: Ladislas Toubart
Deelayed Magic Creator: Clown Tobi
Deelayed Magic Creator: Steve Deelay
Deep Creator: Justin Meitz
Deep Creator: Justin S. Meitz
Deep 3 Creator: Bro Gilbert
Deep Astonishment Creator: Paul Harris
Deep Astonishment 2 Creator: Paul Harris
Deep Breath Creator: The 1914
Deep Clear Creator: Paul Harris
Deep Guilt Aces trick Creator: Murphy's Magic Supplies
Deep Guilt Aces trick Creator: David Regal
Deep Mind Creator: Dominicus Bagas
Deep Rising Creator: Aldo Colombini
Deep X Creators: Paul Harris, Paul Harris Presents
Defaced Creator: Martin Braessas
Defective Cups
Defective Cups & Balls Creator: Paul A. Lelekis
Defiance Creator: Mariano Goni
Defiance (DVD with Gimmick) - Mariano Goni - DVD Creator: Mariano Goni
Defiance II Cups & Balls Creator: Magic of Reed McClintock
Defiance II Cups & Balls Creator: McClintock
Definite Choice Creator: Anthony Vasquez
Definitely Not Marked Creator: Brent Braun
Definitive Creator: Christopher Rawlins
Definitive (Gimmicks and Online Instructions) Creator: Chris Rawlins
Definitive Guide to Restaurant Magic Creator: Wayne Goodman
Definitive Location Creator: Anthony Vasquez
Definitive Sankey Volume 1 Creators: Jay Sankey, Vanishing Inc. Magic
Definitive Sankey Volume 2 Creators: Jay Sankey, Vanishing Inc. Magic
Definitive Sankey Volume 3 Creators: Jay Sankey, Vanishing Inc. Magic
Deflect Creator: Skulkor
DEFORM Creators: Esya Bagja Gumelar, Esya G, Mario Tarasini
Deformer Creator: Menny Lindenfeld
DEFROST Creator: Aaron Lewis
DÈJÁ VÈCU Creator: Alessandro Criscione
Deja Vu Creators: Dan Buck, Dave Buck
Deja Vu Deck - David Regal Creator: Murphy's Magic Supplies
Deja Zoo Creator: Samual Patrick Smith
Dejavu 2.0 Creator: Kenneth Costa
Dejavu By Kenneth Costa video DOWNLOAD Creator: Kenneth Costa
Del Ray: America's Foremost Creator: John Moehring
DeLand's Automatic Trick Cards Creator: Theodore DeLand
DeLand: Mystery and Madness Creators: Kaufman & Co., Theodore DeLand
DeLand: Mystery and Madness Creator: Richard Kaufman
Delay Creator: Mario Tarasini
Delicious Ambitious Creator: Alexander Kolle
Delicious Change Creator: Tumi Magic
DeLorian Creator: Dave Forrest
DeLorian Signed Card Under Cellophane Creator: Dave Forrest
DELPHI Creator: Matt Pilcher
DELTA DICE Creator: Diamond Jim Tyler
Delusion Creator: SOM
Deluxe Close-Up Pad 11X16 (Black) Creator: Murphys Magic Supplies
Deluxe Close-Up Pad 11X16 (Blue) Creator: Murphys Magic Supplies
Deluxe Close-Up Pad 11X16 (Green) Creator: Murphys Magic Supplies
Deluxe Close-Up Pad 11X16 (Red) Creator: Murphys Magic Supplies
Deluxe Close-Up Pad 16X23 (Black) Creator: Murphys Magic Supplies
Deluxe Close-Up Pad 16X23 (Blue) Creator: Murphys Magic Supplies
Deluxe Close-Up Pad 16X23 (Green) Creator: Murphys Magic Supplies
Deluxe Close-Up Pad 16X23 (Red) Creator: Murphys Magic Supplies
Deluxe Diabolical Die Box Creator: Merlins of Wakefield
Deluxe Diabolical Die Box (Merlins Premier Range) Creator: Merlins Magic
DELUXE EASY MAGIC SET # 1 Creator: Eddy's Magic
DELUXE EASY MAGIC SET # 2 Creator: Eddy's Magic
Deluxe Edition Trinity Coin Set (DVD) Creator: Johnny Wong
Deluxe Envelopes Black With Window for Nest of Wallets By John Morton Creator: John Morton
Deluxe Foiled Limited Edition Dark Lordz Royale Creator: De'Vo
Deluxe Forcing Dice Creator: Hiro Sakai
Deluxe Latex (Vinyl) Egg-Tissue to Egg Routine Creator: Viking Magic
Deluxe Limited Edition Dark Lordz Creator: De'Vo
Deluxe Magic Set Creator: Perry Maynard
Deluxe Magic Set Creator: Las Vegas Magic Company
Deluxe Milk Glass Creator: Bazar de Magia
Deluxe Miracle Board Creator: Zanadu Magic
Deluxe Nesting Wands Creator: Ickle Pickle Products Inc.
Deluxe Ramsay Cylinder Set - Kennedy Half Dollar Creator: Tango Magic
Deluxe Ramsay Set - Replica Walking Liberty Creator: Tango Magic
Deluxe Ramsay Set Dollar Creator: Tango Magic
Deluxe Ramsay Set Dollar (Gimmicks and Online Instructions) Creator: Tango Magic
Deluxe Ramsay Set Half Dollar Creator: Tango
Deluxe Ramsay Set Half Dollar (Gimmicks and Online Instructions) Creator: Tango
Deluxe Ramsay Set Quarter Creator: Tango
Deluxe Ramsay Set Quarter (Gimmicks and Online Instructions) Creator: Tango
Deluxe Raven® Kit w/Online Instructions Creator: Penguin Magic
Deluxe Santa Stuck in Chimney Creator: Daytona Magic Inc.
Deluxe Spring Flowers Creator: Alan Wong
Deluxe Spring Flowers RED Creator: Alan Wong
Deluxe Spring Flowers WHITE Creator: Alan Wong
Deluxe Wooden Ball Vase Creators: Merlins Magic, Merlins of Wakefield
Deluxe Wooden Ball Vase (Merlins Premier Range) Creator: Merlins Magic
Deluxe Wooden Pool Ball Vase Creators: Merlins Magic, Merlins of Wakefield
Demi Deck Creator: Angelo Carbone
Demi Deck (Gimmick
Demigod Prediction Creator: Manoj Kaushal
DEMO Creator: Alex Hansford
Demon Deck Creator: Arnel L. Renegado
Demon Hand Creator: Hanson Chien
Denail (Medium) DVD and Gimmick Creators: Eric Ross, SansMinds, SansMinds Creative Labs
Denis Behr Creator: Denis Behr
Denny Haney: COLLECTED WISDOM Creator: Scott Alexander
Denny Haney: Collected Wisdom (Book Only) Creators: Alexander Illusions LLC, Scott Alexander
Denny Haney: COLLECTED WISDOM BOOK Creator: Scott Alexander
Denny Haney: Four volume set Creator: Scott Alexander
Departure Ring Flight Creator: Chris Smith
Departure Ring Flight (New and Improved) Creator: MagicSmith
Departure Ring Flight New Version Creator: Magic Smith
Depicting Thoughts Creator: Card-Shark
Depicting Thoughts (Gimmick and Online Instructions) Creator: Card-Shark
Depicting Thoughts by Paralabs and Card-Shark Creator: Card-Shark
Depiction Creator: Paul Carnazzo
Deqode Creator: David Jonathan
Deranged Creator: Jay Sankey
Derby Creator: Tony Koynini
Derek Dingle in Paris, France Creator: Dominique Duvivier
Derek Dingle in Paris, France Creator: Mayette Magie Moderne
Derek Dingle's Last Notes Creator: Simon Lovell
Derek McKee's Box of Magic - Trick Creator: Derek McKee
Derren Brown Lecture Creator: Derren Brown
Derren Brown Lecture Creator: International Magic
Derren Brown Playing Cards Creator: Theory 11
Derren Brown Playing Cards Creator: theory11
Descent Creator: Kevin Parker
Description Creator: Patrick Redford
Desert Brainstorm Volume 3, DVD Creator: Larry Becker
Desert Rose by Chris Randall video DOWNLOAD Creator: Chris Randall
Designed Illusions & Design Delusions Creator: David Hemingway
Designing Magic Creator: SansMinds
Designing Miracles Creator: Darwin Ortiz
Designing Miracles Creator: Vanishing Inc.
Designing Miracles Audio Book Creator: Darwin Ortiz
Designing Miracles Audio Book Sample Creator: Darwin Ortiz
Desire Test Creator: Astor Magic
DeSouza's DeCeptions Creator: Marc DeSouza
Dessert's Prediction Creator: Henry Evans
Destination Creator: Rus Andrews
DESTINATION Creators: Philip Ryan, Vortex Magic
Destination Box Creator: Jon Allen
Destination Unknown( wow ) Creators: Ickle Pickle, Ickle Pickle Products Inc.
Destination Zero Creator: John Bannon
Destinations Creator: Nikolas Mavresis
Destined Creator: David Jonathan
Destiny Creator: Ebbytones
Destiny Creator: Vinny Sagoo
Destiny Creator: Aprende Magia
DESTINY Creator: Jean Pierre Vallerino
Destiny - It's your choice Creator: Axel Hecklau
Destiny deal Creator: Craig Petty
Destiny Deck Creator: David Gonzalez
Destiny Deck - Creator: David Gonzalez
DESTROY SOLVE Creator: Shahril Arif
DESTROY SOLVE V2 Creators: JJ Team, TN
Destroyers & Moments Creator: Joshua Jay
Details of Deception Creator: Greg Chapman
DETECT Creator: maarif
Detect Clip Creator: AGUSTIN
Detection Creators: Kaymar Magic, Roy Johnson, Steve Cook
Detection Creator: Paul Carnazzo
Detection Bag (Gimmicks and Online Instructions) Creator: Leo Smetsers
Detective Creator: Mario Tarasini
Determination Creator: Federico Poeymiro
Detour de Force Creator: John Bannon
Devastation Creator: Mark Mason
Devastation Creator: JB Magic
Devastation Deck Creator: Alakazam Magic
DeVice Creator: Pseudoscientist
Devil Bites Creator: Zoens
Devil Blade Creator: Arnel Renegado
Devil Box Creator: Ido Daniel
Devil Clips Creator: Ebbytones
Devil Coin Bank Royal Creator: Royal Magic
Devil Handkerchief Creator: Bazar de Magia
Devil's Bandana Creator: Lee Alex
Devil's Bandana (Blue) Creator: Lee Alex
Devil's Bandana (Christmas) Creator: Lee Alex
Devil's Bandana (Red) Creator: Lee Alex
Devil's Bandana V2 Creator: Lee Alex
Devil's Bandana V2 (Black) Creator: Lee Alex
Devil's Bandana V2 (Blue) Creator: Lee Alex
Devil's Bandana V2 (Green) Creator: Lee Alex
Devil's Bandana V2 (Purple) Creator: Lee Alex
Devil's Bandana V2 (Red) Creator: Lee Alex
Devil's Choice Creator: Viper Magic
Devil's Cups Creator: Marchand de trucs
Devil's Deck Creator: Sandro Loporcaro
Devil's Diary Creator: Charles W. Cameron
Devil's Handkerchief (Black) Creator: Bazar de Magia
Devil's Hank Pro - Black Creator: Sumit Chhajer
Devil's Hanky Creator: The Essel Magic
Devil's Hanky (17 inch x 17 inch pattern) Creator: Mr Magic
Devil's Hanky (17 inch x 17 inch pattern) Creator: Mr Magic
Devil's Mark Creator: Alan Rorrison
Devil's Mark (DVD and Gimmicks) Creator: Alan Rorrison
Devil's Tail Creator: Jay Sankey
Devilish Impuzzibilities Creator: Jim Steinmeyer
Devilish Deck Creator: Magic Tao
Devilish Deck Creators: MagicTao, Takel
Devilish Impuzzibilities Creator: Jim Steinmeyer
Devils Handkerchief Plus Creator: Mr. Magic
Devils Hank Creator: TCC
Devils Hank Pro (Large) Creator: Sumit Chhajer
Devils Mark (Sigillum Diaboli) Creators: Alan Rorrison, Big Blind Media
Devils Mark (Sigillum Diaboli) Creators: Alan Rorrison, Big Blind Media
Devils Pad Creator: Arnel L. Renegado
Devils Pad Creator: Arnel Renegado
Devin Knight Lecture Notes Creator: Devin Knight
DEViOS Creator: Mark Lemon
DEViOS (Gimmicks and Online Instructions) Creator: Mark Lemon
Devious Creator: Jassher Singh
Devious Card at Dice Creator: Dominicus Bagas
Devious Deceptions Creator: Steve Skomp
Devious Deck Creator: Arnel Renegado
Devious Standards Creator: Jamy Ian Swiss
Devious Volume 1 Creator: Michael Close
Devious Volume 1 Creators: L&L Publishing, Michael Close
Devious Volume 2 Creator: Michael Close
Devious Volume 2 Creators: L&L Publishing, Michael Close
Devious Volumes 1 and 2 Creator: Michael Close
Devour (DVD and Gimmick) Creators: SansMinds Creative Lab, SansMinds Creative Labs
DeX Creator: Doan
Dex (Gimmick and Online Instructions) Creators: Javier Fuenmayor, Lloyd Barnes
Dexterity Manual Creator: Justin Higham
DHUIT (Card to Bill / Bill to Card) Creators: Esya G, Ragil Septia
Diagonal Palm Shift Creator: Rick Smith
Dial Lock Mystery Creator: TAKAMIZ USUI
Dial-Abolical Creator: Kockov
Dial-Abolical Creator: Kochov
Dial-Abolical DVD Creator: Kochov
Diamon Playing Cards No. 5 (Winter Warmth) Creator: US Playing Card
Diamon Playing Cards N° 14 Purple Star Playing Cards Creator: Dutch Card House Company
Diamon Playing Cards N° 17 Playing Cards Creator: Dutch Card House Company
Diamon Playing Cards N° 22 Playing Cards Creator: Dutch Card House Company
Diamon Playing Cards N° 5 Winter Warmth Creator: Dutch Card House Company
Diamond Cut Silk 12 inch (RED) Magic Creator: Gosh
Diamond Cut Silk 12 inch 12 Pack (Assorted) Magic Creator: Gosh
Diamond Cut Silk 18 inch (Black) Creator: Magic By Gosh
Diamond Cut Silk 18 inch (Blue) Creator: Magic By Gosh
Diamond Cut Silk 18 inch (Orange) Creator: Magic By Gosh
Diamond Cut Silk 18 inch (Pink) Creator: Magic By Gosh
Diamond Cut Silk 18 inch (Red) Creator: Magic By Gosh
Diamond Cut Silk 18 inch (Turquoise) Creator: Magic By Gosh
Diamond Cut Silk 18 inch (White) Creator: Magic By Gosh
Diamond Cut Silk 24 inch Creator: Magic By Gosh
Diamond Cut Silk 24 inch (BLUE) Creator: Magic By Gosh
Diamond Cut Silk 24 inch (GREEN) Creator: Magic By Gosh
Diamond Cut Silk 24 inch (ORANGE) Creator: Magic By Gosh
Diamond Cut Silk 24 inch (PINK) Creator: Magic By Gosh
Diamond Cut Silk 24 inch (TURQUOISE) Creator: Magic By Gosh
Diamond Cut Silk 24 inch (WHITE) Creator: Magic By Gosh
Diamond Cut Silk 24 inch (YELLOW) Creator: Magic By Gosh
Diamond Cut Silk 24 inch 12 Pack (Assorted) Magic Creator: Gosh
Diamond Cut Silk 36 (Green) Creator: Magic By Gosh
Diamond Cut Silk 36 (White) Creator: Unknown
Diamond Cut Silk 36 inch (BLACK) Creator: Magic By Gosh
Diamond Cut Silk 36 inch (BLUE) Creator: Magic By Gosh
Diamond Cut Silk 36 inch (GREEN) Creator: Magic By Gosh
Diamond Cut Silk 36 inch (ORANGE) Creator: Magic By Gosh
Diamond Cut Silk 36 inch (WHITE) Creator: Magic By Gosh
Diamond Cut Silk 36 inch (YELLOW) Creator: Magic By Gosh
Diamond Die Creator: Diamond Jim Tyler
Diamond Die (1) Creator: Diamond Jim Tyler
Diamond Die (2) Creator: Diamond Jim Tyler
Diamond Die (3) Creator: Diamond Jim Tyler
Diamond Die (4) Creator: Diamond Jim Tyler
Diamond Die (5) Creator: Diamond Jim Tyler
Diamond Die (6) Creator: Diamond Jim Tyler
Diamond Forcing Dice Set (7) Creator: Diamond Jim Tyler
Diamond Forcing Dice Set of 7 Creator: Diamond Jim Tyler
Diamond Jack Creator: Diamond Jim Tyler
Diamond Marked Playing Cards Creator: Diamond Jim Tyler
Diamonds from Coal (Card Conspiracy 3) Creator: Peter Duffie
DiaMonte (DVD and Cards) Creator: Diamond Jim Tyler
DiaMonte with Cards Creator: Diamond Jim Tyler
Diary of a Madman Creator: Jeff Stone
Diary Of Destiny Creators: Benoit Pilon, Williams Pilon
Dice and Silk Creator: Tora Magic
Dice Bomb Creator: APPRENTICE
DICE BOMB (Gimmicks and Instructions) Creator: Apprentice Magic
Dice Carry Case (Single) Creator: Illuminati Magic
Dice Carry Case (Triple) Creator: Illuminati Magic
Dice Cup Creator: JL Magic
Dice Dice Baby! Creators: Big Blind Media, John Carey
DICE GAME Creator: Tora Magic
Dice Hopper Creator: Tenyo Magic
Dice Man Creator: Andy Nyman
Dice Miracle Creator: TCC
Dice of Destiny Creator: Yu Ho Jin
DICE PREDICTION BLUE Creator: Mickael Chatelain
DICE PREDICTION BLUE (Gimmick and Online Instructions) Creator: Mickael Chatelain
DICE PREDICTION RED Creator: Mickael Chatelain
DICE PREDICTION RED (Gimmick and Online Instructions) Creator: Mickael Chatelain
Dice Production Frame (12 Die) Creator: Sumit Chhajer
Dice Stacking Cup Pro (Gimmicks and Online Instructions) Creator: Bazar de Magia
Dice Through Card Creator: Dingding
Dice to Sugar Creator: Robby Constantine
Dice Vision Creators: Conan Liu, TCC Presents
Dice Without Two - Trick Creator: Nahuel Geronimo Olivera Bergallo
Dice Without Two CLEAR BLUE (2 Dice Set) Creators: Aton Games, Nahuel Olivera Magic
Dice Without Two CLEAR GREEN (2 Dice Set) Creators: Aton Games, Nahuel Olivera Magic
Dice, Dice Baby with John Carey Creator: John Carey
Dice, Dice Baby with John Carey (Props and Online Instructions) - Tric Creator: John Carey
Dice, Dice Baby with John Carey (Props and Online Instructions) - Trick Creator: John Carey
Dicemana Creator: Geni
Diception Creator: Chris Congreave
Diception Creator: Haim Goldenberg
Dicey Dots Creator: Daryl
Dicey Dots (Gimmicks and Online Instruction) Creator: Daryl
Dicey Dots with Gimmicks and Online Instruction Creator: Daryl
Dichotomy Creator: Dee Christopher
Dictionary Test Creator: Massimiliano Teso
Dictionary Test Creator: Max Vellucci
Die 1 White Economy w/ Black Spots 19mm Creator: Murphy's Magic Supplies
Die Box Creator: Tony Karpinski
Die Cast Creator: Merlins of Wakefield
Die Cipher Deluxe Set Creator: Chuck leach
Die Cipher II trick Creator: Chuck leach
Die To Flower Tray Creator: Mr. Magic
Die Vision Creator: Vincenzo Di Fatta
Die-Abolical V5 (Gimmicks and Online Instructions) Creator: Steve Cook
Die-Liriious Creator: Terry LaGerould
DIE-NAMIC Creator: Martin Lewis
Dieboxed Creator: Rodger Lovins
Dig It Creator: Iain Bailey
Dig-It Creator: Wild-Colombini Magic
Digital Creator: Mark Mason
Digital (Blue) Creator: Mark Mason
Digital (Red) Creator: Mark Mason
Digital Deception Creator: Marc Oberon
Digital Effects, The Magic Of Joe Mogar Creator: Steve Beam
Digital Force Bag Creator: Nicholas Einhorn
Digital Graffiti Creator: David Peck
Digital Restore Creator: Arnel L. Renegado
Digital Restore Creator: Arnel Renegado
Digital Twin Creator: SansMinds Creative Labs
Digitals Creator: Anthony Chanut
Digits of Deception with Alan Rorrison video DOWNLOAD Creator: Alan Rorrison
Dime and Penny Creator: Tango Magic
Dime and Penny Creator: Eagle Coins
Dime and Penny (D0048) Creator: Tango
Dime and Penny trick(D0048) Creator: Tango
DIMENSION Creator: Stefanus Alexander
Diminishing Bolt Creator: Mr. Magic
Diminishing Cards Creator: Mr. Magic
Diminishing Die Creator: G Sparks Magic
Diminishing Milk Glasses (multim in Parvo) Creator: Mr. Magic
Diminishing Milk Glasses (multum in Parvo) Creator: Mr. Magic
Diminishing Returns Creator: Mike Powers
Diminishing Sponge Balls Creator: Ian Garrison
Ding Dong Creator: Magic By Gosh
Ding Dong (Black) Creator: Magic By Gosh
Ding Dong Goshman Creator: Al Goshman
Dingle's ( Deceptions ) Creator: Derek Dingle
Dingle's Deceptions Creator: Derek Dingle
Dingle's Delights Creator: Derek Dingle
Dinheiro na carteira (Bill in Wallet at back trouser pocket / Portuguese Language only) Creator: Juan Araújo
Dining Out The Menu Trick Creators: David Garrard, Jim Steinmeyer
Dining Out! The Menu Trick Creators: David Garrard, Jim Steinmeyer
Dining Out! The Menu Trick Creators: David Garrard, Jim Steinmeyer
Dinner Napkin (excerpt from Extreme Dean #1) Creator: Dean Dill
Dinner Table Magic (World's Greatest Magic) video DOWNLOAD Creator: L&L Publishing
DINO MAGIC SURPRISE Creators: Luis Zavaleta, NOX
DINO MAGIC SURPRISE (Gimmick and Online Instructions) Creators: Luis Zavaleta, NOX
Dinosalt Creator: G Sparks Magic
Dinosaur Playing Cards Creator: Art of Play
DIPSY 2.0 Creator: Yugi Howen
Direct Mind Creator: Ebby Tones Magic
DirectCAAN Creator: Viper Magic
Director's Cut Creator: Henok Negash
Director's Cut Creator: Simon Shaw
Director's Cut: Horror Edition Creator: Simon Shaw
Directors Cut Creator: Simon Shaw
Dirty Drop Cloth (magnetic, bloody version) Creator: David Alan
Dirty Drop Cloth Magnetic (BLOODY) Creator: David Alan Magic
Dirty Drop Cloth Magnetic (MUDDY) Creator: David Alan Magic
Dirty Hand Gag Creator: Premium Magic
Dirty Work Creator: Ryan Matney
DIS INFORMATION Creators: Puck, Scott Alexander
Dis Jointed Creator: Joe Russell
Disc Escape (Brass) Creator: Mr. Magic
Disco Pop Creator: Sean Devine
Discover the Secrets of MIND GAMES Creator: Richard Mark
Discover Your Magic Creator: Wolfgang Riebe
Discoverie of Witchcraft Creator: Reginald Scot
Discoverie of Witchcraft Dover R. Scot Creator: Dover R. Scot
Discoverie of Withcraft Creators: Reginald Scot, The Conjuring Arts Research Center
Discoveries and Deceptions Creator: John Guastaferro
Discoveries and Deceptions Ebook Creator: John Guastaferro
Discovery by Spooky Nyman Creator: Spooky Nyman
Discovery Final Frontier Creator: Elephant Playing Cards
Discovery New Horizon Creator: Elephant Playing Cards
Disecto Arm Chopper Creator: The Essel Magic
Disecto Arm Chopper Creator: Premium Magic
Disecto Arm Chopper Painted Creator: Mr. Magic
Disguised Creator: Nefesch
Disinformation Creator: Scott Alexander
Disintegration Chamber Royal Creator: Royal Magic
Disk Creator: Magical Sleight
Disposable Deck 2.0 (blue) Creator: David Regal
Disposable Deck 2.0 (red) Creator: David Regal
Dissolve (DVD and Gimmick) Creator: Francis Menotti
Dissolved Creator: Alex Soza
DISSOLVING ACES Creator: Devin Knight
Dissolving Aces Creator: Devin Knight
Distal Shift Creator: AJ Stouse
Distance (DVD and Gimmicks) Creators: SansMinds Creative Lab, SansMinds Creative Labs
DISTANCING Creator: Ade Rahmat
DISTANCING 2 Creator: Ade Rahmat
Distilled Creator: Ryan Plunkett
Distilled Creator: Ryan Matney
Distilled Creator: Retro Rocket
Distilled (Ryan Plunkett) Creator: Ryan Plunkett
DiSTORN Creator: Arnel L. Renegado
DiSTORN Creator: Arnel Renegado
Distorted Visions Creator: Jack Curtis
Distribution Technique Creator: Irving Quant
Diverse Deceptions Creator: Richard Osterlind
Diversions Creator: Rand Woodbury
Diverter Creator: Marc Kerstein
Divided & Conquer Creator: Meir Yedid
Divination ESP Test Creator: Amazo Magic
Divine Creator: Colin McLeod
Divine Chaos Creator: Sean McCarthy
Divine Playing Cards Creator: The United States Playing Card Company
Divining Rod Creators: Allen Zingg, Blaine Harris
DIVINITY Creator: Esya G
Divorce Creator: Justin Miller
Dixon Drop Creator: Doc Dixon
DIY Card Marking Systems Creator: Abhinav
DIY OTL Creator: Chuck leach
Diyana FLower Creator: Black Magic
Dizzy Dots Creator: Pegani Magic
DJ in der Tasche (DJ in my Pocket) English/ German versions included Creator: Christian Lavey
DJT's 10 DVD Box Set Creator: Diamond Jim Tyler
DKNG (Blue Wheel) Playing Cards Creator: Art of Play
DKNG (Purple Wheel) Playing Cards Creator: Art of Play
DKNG (Red Wheel) Playing Cards Creator: Art of Play
DKNG (Yellow Wheel) Playing Cards Creator: Art of Play
DMB Spread Control Creators: Dan Buck, Dave Buck
DMB Spread Control 2.0 Creator: Franco Pascali
DMC ALPHAS + Passport Creator: Phill Smith
DMC ALPHAS Deck - Trick Creator: Phill Smith
DMC Elites Creator: Phill Smith
DMC ELITES Marked Deck + Passport Creator: Phill Smith
DMC ELITES Pro Gaffs + Passport Creator: Phill Smith
DMC ELITES: Pro Gaffs V1 - Trick Creator: Phill Smith
DMT Force Creator: Matteo Babini
DNA Creator: Magic Stuff
DNA (Day Night Anomaly) Creator: Magic Stuff
Dnavmo Creator: Matt Pilcher
Do Get the Name Right Creator: John Wade
Do Not Borow Your Phone Creator: Dan Alex
Do or
Do or "Dice" (excerpt from 3-Dean Trilogy) Creator: Dean Dill
Do or Dice Creator: Dean Dill
Do That Again! Creator: Oscar Weigle
Do You Believe? Creator: Ickle Pickle
Dobbo's Dollar Creators: Alan Wong, Wayne Dobson
Dobbo's Dollar (Gimmick and Online Instructions) Creators: Alan Wong, Wayne Dobson
Dobson's Choice #1 Creator: Magic City
Dobson's Choice TV Stuff Volume 2 Creator: Wayne Dobson
Dobson's Choice TV Stuff Volume 3 Creator: Wayne Dobson
Doc Dixon Live Lecture Creator: Doc Dixon
Doc Dixon Live Lecture DVD Creator: Doc Dixon
Doc Eason Card Under Glass Creator: Kozmomagic
Doc Eason Card Under Glass Creator: Doc Eason
Doc Eason Card Under Glass (2 DVD set) Creator: Kozmomagic
Docc Hilford: Attack Of Monster Mentalism Volume 1 - DVD Creator: Docc Hilford
Docc Hilford: Bride Of Monster Mentalism Volume 3 - DVD Creator: Docc Hilford
Docc Hilford: Curse Of Monster Mentalism Volume 2 - DVD Creator: Docc Hilford
Docc Hilford: Night Of Monster Mentalism Volume 4 - DVD Creator: Docc Hilford
Doce juegos con una baraja prestada (Spanish Only) Creator: Martin Gardner
Doctor Jekyll Deck Creator: United States Playing Card Co.
DoDeckADeal Creator: John Archer
Doggie Style - trick Creator: Watch Steal Video
Doggy Bag Creator: The (Rosalie Jayes Sew & Sew Seamstress
Doll Cylinder Creator: JL Magic
Dollar and Quarter Creator: Henry Evans
Dollar Box Creator: Sadik & Co.
Dollar Monte Creator: Card-Shark
Dollar Size Chinese Coin (Black and Red) Creator: Tango
Dollar Size Chinese Coin (Black and Yellow) Creator: Tango
Dollar Size Chinese Coin (Black) Creator: Tango
Dollar Size Chinese Coin (Blue) Creator: Tango
Dollar Size Chinese Coin (Brass) Creator: Tango
Dollar Size Chinese Coin (Red) Creator: Tango
Dollar Size Chinese Coin (Yellow) Creator: Tango
Dollar Size Shell Chinese Coin (Black) Creator: Tango Magic
Dollar Size Shell Chinese Coin (Red) Creator: Tango Magic
Dollar Size Shell Chinese Coin (Red) Creator: Tango
Dollar Size Silver Copper Chinese Transposition Creator: Marcelo Insula
Dollar Size Silver Copper Chinese Transposition (CH023) Creator: Tango Magic
Dollar sized Penny Creator: Alan Wong
Dollar to Bubble Gum Creator: George Iglesias
Dollar to Bubble Gum Creator: Twister Magic
Dollar to Bubble Gum (Trident) Creator: Twister Magic
Dollar to Credit Card 2.0 (Gimmick and Online Instructions) Creator: Twister
Dollar to Credit Card 2.0 (Gimmick and Online Instructions) Creator: Twister Magic
Dollar to Tic Tac Creator: George Iglesias
Dollar to Tic Tac Creator: Twister Magic
Dominique Duvivier Presents: Duvivier Wallet (Gimmick and Online Instructions) - Trick Creator: Dominique Duvivier
Dominique Duvivier Strikes Back (4 DVD Set) Creator: Dominique Duvivier
Domino Effect Creators: Alex Pandrea, Blue Crown
Don Alan
Don England's Ultra Collectors Creator: Don England
Don England's Ultra Collectors - Trick Creator: Don England
Don't Cry For The Star Creator: Masuda Magic
Don't Fear the Faro Creator: James Went
Don't Fear the Faro with James Went video DOWNLOAD Creator: James Went
Don't Fool Yourself: The Magical Life of Dell O'Dell Creator: Michael Claxton
Don't Forget Your Mask Creator: Patricio Teran
Don't Lie Spirit Bell Creator: Taiwan Ben Magic
Don't Play cards With me Creator: Jonathan Royle
Dont Blink Creator: Salvafor Sufrate
Doodle Queens Creator: Graeme David Fishwick
Doors of Deception Creator: Paul Vigil
Doozie Deck (Gimmicks and Online Instructions) Creator: Steve Lancaster
Dorito Bite Creators: Gabbo Torres, Julio Montoro
DORITO BITE Creator: Julio Montoro
DORITO BITE (Gimmicks and online Instructions) Creators: Gabbo Torres, Julio Montoro
DOS System Creator: Chris Ballinger
DOTORONOMY Creator: Harvey Raft
Dots Creator: Oliver Smith
Dots Impossible Royal Creator: Royal Magic
Dots Incredible Royal Creator: Royal Magic
DOTS MAN AUTOMATIC Creator: Marcos Cruz
Dots to Die 2.0 Creator: Sumit Chhajer
Dots-Man (Automatic) Creator: Marcos Cruz
Double ACAAN Creator: Creative Artists
Double Astonishments - Rizer and First Hand Creators: Eric Ross, Justin Miller, Paul Harris, Robert Smith
Double Back Creator: Jon Allen
Double Back (DVD and Cards) Creator: Jon Allen
Double Back (on line instructions and Cards) Creator: Jon Allen
Double Back 2.0 Creator: Jon Allen
Double Back 809 Mandolin Back Creator: USPCC
Double Back 809 Mandolin Back (Blue/Blue) Creator: USPCC
Double Back 809 Mandolin Back (Red/Red) Creator: USPCC
Double Back Playing Cards (Bicycle) Creator: US Playing Card Company
Double Barrel Creator: Bob Solari
Double Bill Creator: Peter Nardi
Double Black Limited I Playing Cards Creator: Gambler's Warehouse
Double Black Limited II Playing Cards Creator: Gambler's Warehouse
Double Black Playing Cards Creator: Gambler's Warehouse
Double Black Playing Cards (Unbranded) Creator: Gambler's Warehouse
Double Blank Playing Cards (Bicycle) Creator: US Playing Card Company
Double Blank Svengali Book - He Knows Creator: Paul Brook
Double Coincidence Creator: Devin Knight
Double Color Changing Silk 12 inch Creator: Magic By Gosh
Double Color Prediction Creator: Sorcier Magic
Double Color Prediction (Metal) Creator: Sorcier Magic
Double Cross Creator: MagicSmith
Double Cross Creator: Mark Southworth
Double Cross - Red Heart Creator: Magic Smith
Double Cross from Magic Smith Creator: Magic Smith
Double Cross from Magic Smith Super Black Putty Only Creator: Magic Smith
Double Cross from Magic Smith Vanishing Ink Cartridge Creator: Magic Smith
Double Cross Holster Creator: Magic Smith
Double Cross Pro Holder Creator: GRUM Handcrafted
Double Crossed Creator: Daryl Easton
Double Crossed (With Online Instruction) Creator: Daryl
Double D's and Aces Creator: Syd Segal
Double Decker Creator: David Forrest
DOUBLE DECKER Creator: Paul A. Lelekis
DOUBLE DEVIL Creator: Lee Alex
Double Down Creator: Leo Smetsers
Double Down (Gimmicks and Online Instructions) Creator: Leo Smetsers
Double Dutch Creator: Fritz Alkemade
Double Exposure Creator: Asi Wind
Double Face Coin Thru Bill Creator: Johnny Wong
Double Face Super Triple Coin (2 Silver
Double Face Super Triple Coin (Copper Peace Dollar Version) Creator: Johnny Wong
Double Face Super Triple Coin (Eisenhower Dollar) Creator: Johnny Wong
Double Face Super Triple Coin (with DVD) Creator: Johnny Wong
Double Face Super Triple Coin - Old English Penny (w/DVD) Creator: Johnny Wong
Double Face Super Triple Coin Eisenhower Dollar (with DVD) Creator: Johnny Wong
Double Face Super Triple Coin Eisenhower Dollar (with DVD) Creator: Johnny Wong
Double Feature: Prophecy Voice and Cellular Oracle Creator: Patrick Redford
Double Flower Bouquet Creator: The Essel Magic
Double Flower Bouquet Creator: Mr. Magic
Double Kill Hanky Creator: Amor Magic
Double Lift System Four Move Creator: Radja Syailendra
Double Lift System TORA Creator: SaysevenT
Double Lift System: Duplicate DL Creator: SaysevenT
Double Lift System: ONE HANDED Creator: SaysevenT
Double Lift Workshop Creator: R. Paul Wilson
Double Lifts Download Box Set Left Handed Creator: ALCHEMY TREE
Double Lifts Download Box Set Right Handed Creator: ALCHEMY TREE
Double Load Dove pan Creator: Bazar de Magic
Double Locked Mystery Box Creator: The Essel Magic
Double Locked Mystery Box Creator: Premium Magic
DOUBLE MATRIX Creator: Paul A. Lelekis
Double Mental Creator: Dominique Duvivier
Double Mental (Blue) Creator: Dominique Duvivier
Double Mental (Red) Creator: Dominique Duvivier
Double O Creator: AGUSTIN
Double Pocket Money Production/Vanish Change Foulard Creator: Ickle Pickle Products Inc.
Double Prediction Creator: Dan Tudor
Double Side Half Dollar (Heads) (D0035) Creator: Tango Magic
Double Side Half Dollar (Tails)(D0077) Creator: Tango
Double Side Quarter (Heads)(D0078) Creator: Tango
Double Side Quarter (Tails)(D0036) Creator: Tango Magic
Double Sided - 1 Euro Creator: Tango Magic
Double Sided - 2 Euros Creator: Tango Magic
Double Sided - 50 Euro Cents Creator: Tango Magic
Double Sided - English Penny Creator: Tango Magic
Double Sided - Half Dollar (heads) Creator: Tango Magic
Double Sided - Half Dollar (tails) Creator: Tango Magic
Double Sided - Quarter (Heads) Creator: Tango Magic
Double Sided - Quarter (Tails) Creator: Tango Magic
Double Sided - Quarter Dollar (heads) Creator: Tango Magic
Double Sided - Quarter Dollar (tails) Creator: Tango Magic
Double Sided Coin (1 Euro) (E0026) Creator: Tango
Double Sided Coin (2 Euro) Creator: Tango
Double Sided Coin (50 cent Euro) (E0025) Creator: Tango
Double Sided Coins Creator: Alakazam Magic
Double Signed Card Routine Creator: Richard Turner
Double Take Creator: Gregory Wilson
Double Take Creator: Paul Gordon
Double Take Creator: Jason Knowles
Double Take (GBP) Creator: Jason Knowles
Double Trouble Creator: Constantin
Double Turnover Creator: Elliott Terral
Double Vanishing Decks Creators: Juan Pablo, Quique Marduk
DOUBLE VANISHING DECKS Creators: Juan Pablo, Quique Marduk
Double Vision Creators: Larry Becker, Lee Earle
Double Vision Streaming Video Creator: Andy Smith
Double Your Pleasure Creator: Chad Nelson
Doug Conn Masterclass Creator: Doug Conn
Doug Edwards on the Zarrow Shuffle Creator: Doug Edwards
Doug Edwards Packs a Wallop - Book Creator: Doung Edwards
Doug Edwards: Card Star Creator: Doug Edwards
Doug's Favorite and Beyond Creator: Dean Dill
Doug's Favorite and Beyond (excerpt from 3-Dean Trilogy) Creator: Dean Dill
Doughnut Creator: Bacon Magic
Doughnut Creator: Bacon Magic
Dove & Rabbit Book Creator: JL Magic
Dove and Fire Book Creator: Tora Magic
Dove Bag Creator: Andy Amyx
Dove Cake Creator: Albert Goshman
Dove Catch Creator: JL Magic
Dove Frame (Photo) Creator: Mr. Magic
Dove from Sketch Pad Creator: Andy Amyx
Dove Harness Creator: Mr. Magic
Dove Harness (Black) Creator: Mr. Magic
Dove Harness (Newspaper) Creator: Mr. Magic
Dove Hat Creator: Nahuel Geronimo Olivera Bergallo
Dove Holder (Black) Creator: Richard Griffin
Dove Holder (Red) Creator: Richard Griffin
Dove Holder (White) Creator: Richard Griffin
Dove Pan Creator: The Essel Magic
Dove Pan 7.5 inch Creator: The Essel Magic
Dove Pan (Powder Coated Aluminum) Creator: Mr. Magic
Dove Pan Botania Goose Feather Creator: Black Magic
Dove Pan Botanica Creator: The Essel Magic
Dove Pan Botanica Creator: Mr. Magic
Dove Pan Double - Aluminum Creator: Bazar de Magia
Dove Pan Double Aluminum Creator: Bazar de Magia
Dove Pan Powder Coated Creator: Uday Jadugar
Dove Pan Single Aluminum Creator: Bazar de Magia
Dove Picture to Real Picture Creator: Tora Magic
Dove Through Glass Creator: Premium Magic
Dove Through Glass Creator: The Essel Magic
Dove to Rabbit Cage Creator: Mr. Magic
Dove Tray Creator: Premium Magic
Dove Tray Creator: The Essel Magic
Dove Trilogy Bonus Pack including Unmasks 1&2, Behind the Seams, and Dove Worker's Handbook Creator: Tony Clark
Dove Worker Creator: CY
Doves 101 Andy Amyx Creator: Andy Amyx
Doves 101 Andy Amyx, DVD Creator: Andy Amyx
Doves 101 Starter Kit Creator: Andy Amyx
Doves on Sword in Glass Cube Creator: Tora Magic
Down To One Creator: Jon Allen
DOWN TO ONE (Gimmicks
DOWN TO ONE (Gimmicks & Online Instructions) Creator: Jon Allen
Downfall Creator: Dan Hauss
DP II - The Return of the Dollar Punch Creator: Card-Shark
Dr Bull's Patented Bullshit Repellent Creator: David Bonsall
Dr Bull's Patented Bullshit Repellent Creators: David Bonsall, PropDog
Dr Nevin
Dr Nevin
Dr. Daley's Remastered Creators: Jordan Victoria, PCTC Production
Dr. Michael Rubinstein's Magnetic Coins Creator: Michael Rubinstein
Dr. Schwartz
Dr. Schwartz
Dr. Schwartz
Dr. Schwartz
Dr. Schwartz's Pencil-Tration (Gimmicks and Online Instructions) Creator: Martin Schwartz
Dr. Schwartz's Alexander The Man Knows Rising Cards Creator: Martin Schwartz
Dr. Schwartz's Alexander The Man Knows Rising Cards Creator: Martin Schwartz
Dr. Schwartz's Cobra Deck - Trick Creator: Dr. Schwartz
Dr. Schwartz's COINS Creator: Martin Schwartz
Dr. Schwartz's Fantasy Rising Card Creator: Martin Schwartz
Dr. Schwartz's Fantasy Rising Card - Trick Creator: Dr. Schwartz
Dr. Schwartz's Floating Light Bulb Creator: Martin Schwartz
Dr. Schwartz's Pencil-Tration Creator: Martin Schwartz
Dr. Schwartz's Rising Floating Card Creator: Martin Schwartz
Drag Queen Comedy Stage Hypnosis Course Creator: Jonathan Royle
Dragon Bottles (8) Creator: Tora Magic
Dragon Breath Creator: Brian Platt
Dragon Card Box Creator: Fantasma
Dragon Fan Creator: Alan Wong
Dragon Parasol Creator: Bond Lee
Dragon Parasol BLUE Creator: MS Magic
Dragon Parasol Set (Red) Creator: Bond Lee
Dragon Parasol Set RED Creator: MS Magic
Dragon Parasol YELLOW Creator: MS Magic
Dragon Puppet Creator: Mr. Magic
Dragon Thread Creator: Mike Wong
Dragon's Breath Creator: Theatre Effects Inc.
Dragon's Breath in a Squeeze Bottle Creator: Ickle Pickle Products Inc.
Dragon's Breath in a Squeeze Bottle (1 ounce) Creator: Ickle Pickle
Dragon's Breath in a Squeeze Bottle (2 ounce) Creator: Ickle Pickle
Dragon's Nest Creator: DragonFjord
Dragster Creator: Chris Smith
Dramatic Envelope Creator: Masuda Magic
Drawer Box Creator: Mr. Magic
Drawer box Creator: Uday Jadugar
Drawer Box - Royal Creator: Fun Inc.
Drawer Box - Royal - Trick Creator: Royal Magic
DRAWING Creator: Luis Zavaleta
Drawing Duplications (Vol 5) Creator: Peter Turner
Drawing Room Deceptions Creator: Guy Hollingworth
Drawing Thoughts Creator: Chris Rawlins
Drawing Thoughts Creator: Christopher Rawlins
Drawn Creator: Armanujjaman Abir
Drawn In Creator: Oliver Meech
Dream Act - Smoke Gimmick (with Charger) Creator: Shin Lim
Dream Act - Smoke Gimmick - Creator: Shin Lim
Dream Bag Creator: Mr. Magic
Dream Bag Creator: The Essel Magic
Dream Book Creator: Tora Magic
DREAM BOX (Gimmick and Online Instructions) Creator: JOTA
DREAM BOX PARTY (Gimmick and Online Instructions) Creator: JOTA
DREAM BOX SPORTS (Gimmick and Online Instructions) Creator: JOTA
DREAM BOX TIME TRAVELER (Gimmick and Online Instructions) Creator: JOTA
Dream Card Creator: Viper Magic
Dream Card Creator: Jeffrey Sparks
Dream Card Light Creator: Paul A. Lelekis
Dream Coin Set (with DVD) Creator: Johnny Wong
Dream Coin Set - Eisenhower Dollar Creator: Johnny Wong
Dream Coin Set - Half Dollar Creator: Johnny Wong
Dream Coin Set EISENHOWER (with DVD) Creator: Johnny Wong
Dream Deck Creator: Magic Dream
Dream Dots Creators: Amazo, Amazo Magic
Dream Drink Creator: TCC Presents
Dream Lock Creator: Alan Wong
Dream Machine Creator: Joshua Jay
Dream Multiplying Silicon Balls Creator: Funtastic Magic
Dream OOTW Creator: Yedidya Darshan
Dream Pad Creator: Joao Miranda
DREAM PAN Creator: Tora Magic
Dream Poker Creator: Mark Elsdon
Dream Prediction Elite Version (Wallet) Creator: Paul Romhany
Dream Prediction Lite (Book, DVD, Props) Creator: Paul Romhany
Dream Psychometry Creator: Tenyo Magic
Dream Rose Creator: JL Magic
Dream Seeking Collectors Set Playing Cards Creator: KING STAR
Dream Seeking Playing Cards Creator: KING STAR
Dream Table Creator: Gee Magic
Dream Table Pro Creators: Gee Magic, Goncalo Gil
Dream Tunnel Creator: Mikame
Dreamages Connection Creator: Harvey Raft
DreamCAAN Creator: Viper Magic
Dreamweaver (with Gimmicks Card) Creator: Paul Carnazzo
Dress Changing Doll Creator: Tora Magic
Dresscode Creators: Calen Morelli, Theory 11
Dribble Creator: Sujat Mukherjee
DRIFT 2.0 Creator: Mystique Factory
Drifters (Brown) Playing Cards Creators: Dan Buck, Dave Buck
Drink Card KIT for Astonishing Bottle (Gimmick and Online Instructions) Creators: Joao Miranda, Ramon Amaral
Drink'in the News Creator: PropDog
Drone Stab Creators: Alchemy Insiders, Dallas Fueston, Jason Bird
Drop Creator: Lyndon Jugalbot
Drop Blue Creator: Thomas Badar
Drop Blue (Gimmicks and Online Instructions) Creator: Thomas Badar
Drop Card Creator: Christopher Rawlins
Drop Changes Creator: Tybbe MASTER
Drop Changes Creator: Zoens
Drop Down Mirror Box (Large/Red) Creators: Ickle Pickle, Ickle Pickle Products Inc.
Drop Down Mirror Box (Small/Black) Creator: Ickle Pickle
Drop It Creators: Jibrizy, Jibrizy Taylor
Drop Out (Brass) Creator: Mr. Magic
Drop Red (DVD and Gimmick) Creator: Lyndon Jugalbot
Drop Red (Gimmicks and Online Instructions) Creator: Thomas Badar
Drop'N Creator: Micheal Eaton
Drop'N Creator: Mike Eaton
Dropped Creator: Madison Hagler
Dropped Call Creator: Kyle Purnell
Dropped Call Creator: Kyle Purnell
Dropped Call Creator: Kyle Purnell
DROPPING FLOWER Creator: Twister Magic
DROPPING WAND Creator: Twister Magic
DrowString Creator: Ebbytones
Drugs Strangers & Other Dangers Creator: SPS Publications
Drunk Creator: Hondo
Dry Hole Creator: Bazar de Magia
Dry Wipe Black Sharpie Marker Pen Creator: Mark Traversoni
DSM Color Change Creator: Suraj
Dual Creator: Alessandro Criscione
Dual Control Creator: Michael Vincent
Dual Reality (Vol 3) Creator: Peter Turner
Dual Reality Hypnosis Creator: Jonathan Royle
Duality Lite Creator: Yaniv Levy
DUALITY Lite Creator: Cobra Magic
Duality Pro Creator: Yaniv Levy
DUALITY PRO Creator: Cobra Magic
Duck / Rabbit Silk Creator: Mr. Magic
Duck Pan Creator: Premium Magic
Duck Pan Creator: Mr. Magic
DUCK TRANSPORT Creator: Tora Magic
Dude as I Do Creators: Big Blind Media, Liam Montier
Dude as I Do 10 of Hearts Creator: Liam Montier
Dude as I Do 10 of Hearts (Gimmicks and Online Instructions) Creator: Liam Montier
Dude as I Do King of Clubs (Gimmicks and Online Instructions) Creator: Liam Montier
Duel Match Creator: Alakazam Magic
Duet Creator: Jack Kent Tillar
Duet Creator: Jack Tillar
Duffie On Disc: The Best Of Peter Duffie Creator: Peter Duffie
Duffie's Card Compulsions Creator: Peter Duffie
Duffie/Robertson Trilogy Creator: Peter Duffie
DUI Creator: Jordan Johnson
DULY NOTED Creator: Danny Weiser
Duly Noted Blue Creator: Danny Weiser
Dumbfounded Creator: Devin Knight
Dune Playing Cards Creator: theory11
Dunn's Deal Creator: Shaun Dunn
Dunninger Knows Creator: Joseph Atmore
Dunningers Complete Encyclopaedia Of Magic Creator: Joseph Dunninger
Dunninger’s Complete Encyclopedia of Magic Creator: Joseph Dunninger
Duo Creator: Dan Alex
Duo Creator: Rian Lehman
Duo By Sean Goodman Creator: Sean Goodman
Duo Tech II trick Creator: Murphy's Magic Supplies
Dupes Creators: Chris Congreave, Gary Jones
Duplicity (Cards and DVD) Creator: John Bannon
Duplicity (Cards and DVD) Creator: John Bannon
Duragoun & Optimus Display Creator: SaysevenT
Dusheck's Force Fields Creator: Ken Driscoll
Dustin Marks - Chip Moves Creator: Dustin Marks
Dustin Marks - Mucking Creator: Dustin Marks
Dustin Marks Masterclass Creator: Dustin Marks
Dustin Marks: Cheating Bundle Creator: Dustin Marks
Dustin' It Off Creators: Dean Montalbano, Julie Sobanski
Dusty Creator: Rian Lehman
DUSTY (Gimmicks and Online Instruction) Creator: Rian Lehman
Dutch Kiss Creator: Danny Urbanus
Duvivier Coin Box (3-in-1 Okito, Boston
Duvivier Coin Box (Half Dollar) Creator: Dominique Duvivier
Duvivier's Magic Volume 4: From Old To New Creator: Dominique Duvivier
Duvivier's Magic Volume 4: From Old To New Creator: Dominique Duvivier
Duvivier's Magic #3: From Old to New Creator: Dominique Duvivier
Duvivier's Magic 1: From Old to New - Volume 1 Creator: Dominique Duvivier
Duvivier's Magic Volume 4: From Old To New Creator: Dominique Duvivier
DV Change Creator: David Luu
DV Change Creator: Luu Duc Hieu
DVD Bish Bash Bosh with Magic Dave Creator: Magic Dave
DVD The Pea and Shell Game - Phil Cass Creator: Phil Cass
DX Chameleon Silk Gimmick Creator: Tejinaya Magic
DYAD Creator: Abhinav Bothra
DYAD 2.0 Creator: Abhinav Bothra
DYAD TRILOGY Creator: Abhinav Bothra
Dye Tube Creator: Vernet Magic
Dyeing Creator: Himitsu Magic
Dynamic Duo Creator: Rich Marotta
Dynamic Sharpie Creator: ULTRAMantic
Dynamite In A Small Package Creator: Doc Dixon